Volunteer Opportunities

Shepherd's Haven Social Adult Day Center

-A voluteer is needed once a week, between the hours of 11:00 am and 1:00 pm, to cook lunch for 12 to 15 people. The menu is already determined.

-Please contact us If you have a talent you would like to share with the clients, to entertain them or inform them.

Call Leigh at 973-835-4747 to volunteer.

Acolytes/Lay Readers/Lectors/Ushers/Healing Ministers/Greeters/Coffee Hour Hosts

If you are intrested in serving during the Sunday serivces, please see Fr. Stephen or call the Parish Office at 973-835-2207. Training will be provided.

Fundraising and Fellowship Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer opportunities are always available through out the year with our various fundraisers:

Soup Off

Spring Gala Tricky Tray

Beefsteak Dinner

Easter Eggstravaganza

Garage Sale

Breakfast with Santa

Volunteers are also needed to help with our many fellowship events:

Coffee Hour

Pasta Dinner

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Mother's Day and Father's Day Brunches

Mass in the Grass

Welcome Back Brunch

Please call the Parish Office, 973-835-2207, to volunteer!